Are stairs by American Stair available for residential installation?
Building codes vary among jurisdictions and residential code is usually vastly different from commercial. If you have a client interested in a steel stair for their home, we recommend you check the governing residential code prior to designing. Steel stairs by American Stair are primarily found in commercial settings.
What colors do your stairs come in?
Our stairs are not painted with a final color. They ship either galvanized or primed. The finish paint is added at the end of construction usually by the painting contractor.
Those FasTrack®, Endura, and ReadyStep® treads are amazing! Can I buy just the treads?
Thanks! We’re pretty proud of them. The exclusive nature of our fabrication process does not allow for them to be sold individually. If you’re looking at a set of plans that includes treads by American Stair, then we would quote that job to you complete including the risers, stringers, landings, and rail.
How do I install your treads?
How do I clean your treads?
Can I get ballpark pricing (per linear or per square foot)?